3 Big Health Killers Women Never Consider – Dr Dominik Nischwitz

Dr. Dominik Nischwitz is a world-renowned specialist in biological dentistry, holistic odontology and ceramic implants. He is also the Vice-president of the ISMI (International Society for Metal Free Implantology), whose mission is to help as many people as possible to experience optimum oral health without the use of metal-based treatments.

Dr Nischwitz is also on the international speaking circuit where he shares his expertise onstage to get biological dentistry in the forefront of the industry. He also wrote a book about it all called “ It’s All In Your Mouth”.

Dr. Nischwitz cofounded the DNA Health and Aesthetics Center for Biological Dentistry in Tubingen, Germany in 2015. We are going to talk about the 5000 ceramic implants he has performed and why he only uses this material.

And as you’re going to find out very soon, Dr. Dome is much more than just teeth and dentistry. He is also well trained in functional medicine, holistic nutrition, and competitive sports. And if you are a dentist listening to this, you may want to learn more about his training course for dentists who are interested in biological dentistry.

Online course: optimal health starts in your mouth

Special: $99 from $399 


Website: DNA Health & Aesthetics

Website: Dr. Dominik Nischwitz

Instagram: @drdome1

Email clinic: info@dnaesthetics.de


Website: Hack My Age

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Clubhouse: Zora Benhamou (Club: Biohacking Women 50+)

Apple Podcast : Hack My Age

Email: zora@hackmyage.com

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This podcast is edited by @JonathanJK

This blog post is edited by Alison Copywriting


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2 thoughts on “3 Big Health Killers Women Never Consider – Dr Dominik Nischwitz

  1. JoAnn Parris

    Amazing information!

    1. Zora Benhamou
      Zora Benhamou

      Hi Jo! I am glad you liked it. We should invite Dom to the podcast again!


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