Abnormal Thyroid, Cholesterol & Weight Gain Solutions For Midlife Women – Dr. Carrie Jones

Our guest today is an educator. She is hugely popular on Instagram and has been featured in a ton of podcasts and she also has her own called The Root Cause Medicine Podcast. And now it’s our turn to meet Dr. Carrie Jones.


She is a naturopathic doctor with 20 years of experience in women’s health, hormones and endocrinology. She is also very aware about the issues of our public health system, because she did her Masters in Public Health.

People from all over the world know her, because she has been speaking publicly and consulting on women’s health internationally.

Dr. Jones was one of the first to became board certified through the American Board of Naturopathic Endocrinology and she now serves on the board.

Until recently, she was the Medical Director for the DUTCH (Dried Urine Test of Comprehensive Hormones) Test for several years and taught many of us in the wellness world about this new and alternative way to test our sex hormones. Now, she is making herself even more superhuman by working as the Head of Medical Education at Rupa Health.


Website: Dr. Carrie Jones

Instagram: @dr.carriejones

TikTok: @drcarriejones


Website: Hack My Age

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Clubhouse: Zora Benhamou (Club: Biohacking Women 50+)

Apple Podcast : Hack My Age

Email: zora@hackmyage.com

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This podcast is edited by @JonathanJK

This blog post is edited by Alison Copywriting


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