Breathing for Women, Menopause, Sleep Apnea & Insomnia – Patrick McKeown

Today you may learn something that just may change your life. You may already be familiar with Patrick McKeown, or at least, with his work.

But many of you also may have never heard of what Patrick has really helped bring to the forefront of what is starting to go mainstream. Breathing technique or breathwork.


Patrick McKeown is an international breathing expert and author based in Galway, Ireland. But he really is so much more than this.

He should really be given an honorary doctorate, because he has researched breathing so intensely and has even published a study in the Journal of Clinical Medicine.

He really sounds like a Phd and he clearly knows much more about the breath and breathing mechanisms than most doctors.

Patrick has been studying the respiratory system and breathing for the last 20 years and he’s not only experienced in training the elite special forces, Olympic coaches, athletes, thousands of clients and now breathing practitioners, he is also a best selling author having 9 books under his belt now.

In 2015 he wrote the Oxygen Advantage where he focused on addressing dysfunctional breathing patterns to revolutionize how we train. But just last year he released two new books – The Breathing Cure and Atomic Focus.

We talk about these books, but in the context of the older woman. We focus on specific chapters related to issues like sleep disordered breathing, insomnia and sleep apnea.

These are really big ones for women who are hitting menopause and even way after.

Find Myotape: Oxygen Advantage

Free breathing audio: Buteyko Clinic

Menopause Breathing Study (until March 6, 2022): Menopause – Breathing study group


Website: Buteyko Clinic

Website: Oxygen Advantage

Instagram: @ButeykoClinic

Instagram: @theoxygenadvantage

YouTube: @OxygenAdvantage



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This podcast is edited by @JonathanJK

This blog post is edited by Alison Copywriting


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