Hack Autoimmunity To Heal: The Biohacker Way – Clinical Nutritionist Amy Lamotte & Health Coach Leslie Kenny (Reposted from Nov 2020)

Please note that this podcast was published on November 2020.

Biohackers Amy Lamotte and Leslie Kenny teach us how to hack autoimmune disease with simple and effective techniques that anyone can follow.

Their tips come from their own battles with autoimmune disease as well as the many people they have been coaching in their clinical nutrition and health coaching practices.

Leslie was misdiagnosed at 34 with lupus and rheumatoid arthritis requiring thousands of dollars to be spent on medication, until she hacked her autoimmune disease treating it and reversing it herself through diet, supplementation and testing. Now at age 55 she lives free of signs and symptoms of autoimmunity.

Amy started having the signs of autoimmune disease at 18, but was continually turned down by doctors who couldn’t or wouldn’t help until she was diagnosed 16 years later of Hashimoto’s Disease. Today Amy lives free of the symptoms of her autoimmune disease through diet, lifestyle and supplementation.

Both Amy and Leslie agree that gut health is fundamental for autoimmune diseases.

A few books that were influential to Amy’s and Leslie’s journey to fight their gut issues were Barry Sears’ The Anti-Inflammation Zone and The Paleo Diet by Loren Cordain.


Leslie Kenny is a certified health coach, patient advocate, sexologist and founder of Oxford Healthspan, a nutraceutical company promoting a healthier, longer life for everyone. You may connect with Leslie on Instagram @lesliesnewprime or on Twitter at @ridgepath


Amy Lamotte is the Managing Director of Vallotte Nutrigenomics Limited in Hong Kong. She is a clinical nutritionist and researcher specializing in personalized nutrition, nutritional genomics, nutrition for anti-aging, circadian biology, and the microbiome.

She has a Master’s of Science in Human Nutrition (summa cum laude) from the University of Bridgeport and a J.D. from Yale Law School. You may connect with Amy on Instagram at @amylamotte and on LinkedIn at Amy Valley Lamotte


Website: Ridgepath

Instagram: @lesliesnewprime

Twitter: @ridgepath

YouTube: @Leslie’s New Prime


Instagram: @amylamotte

LinkedIn: Amy Valley Lamotte


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This podcast is edited by @JonathanJK

This blog post is edited by Alison Copywriting


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