Hong Kong yoga guru Charlotte


March 15, 2016

After an amazing session with Hong Kong yoga guru Charlotte Johnson, we enjoyed a quick Q & A session to find out more about how this flexible (no pun intended) woman got from the UK to Hong Kong. I decided to interview Charlotte, not only because she is someone I really enjoy learning yoga from, but I find her story of moving to Hong Kong an inspiration and hope you can learn something from it.

Charlotte has been trained in the UK, spent a little time in Portugal teaching there and soon after decided to pick up her bags and try something new in Hong Kong. Yes, just like that! She was attracted to Hong Kong for the weather and to satisfy her interest in Asia. Being a globetrotter, there was no fear in moving even though she did not know a single soul.

Charlotte was kind enough to answer some of your questions about the best position to relieve stress, inspired some of you to try yoga (even if you are 62!) and shared her food philosophy on how she maintains her trim figure.

The freedom lifestyle includes taking care of your health to prevent the onset of illness or at least improve the probability of living a long healthy life. Yoga is one component that I include in my health regime to stay on this path. I thoroughly enjoy my classes with Charlotte and learn something new about yoga, my body and my mind each time.

Although I found Charlotte through my Bikini Fit bootcamp training, Charlotte conducts classes daily and you can find her at CharlotteJohnsonYoga.com and on Facebook at Charlotte Johnson Yoga.

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