How Much HRT Can You Take, When To Stop and Breast Cancer Patients

Dr. Daved Rosensweet

Daved Rosensweet is a medical doctor who has been treating women in menopause for over 30 years. He is the Founder of The Institute of Bioidentical Medicine and The Menopause Method, a menopause training platform for health practitioners.

Dr. Rosensweet also wrote three books on the subject of hormones and menopause with the latest one being “Happy Healthy Hormones”. You may have already seen him speak, because he has been traveling the world lecturing on the topic of hormones and functional medicine.   He really is a pioneer in this field. He was the one who trained the first nurse practitioners in the United States and was in charge of health promotion for the State of New Mexico. Now, Dr. Rosensweet spends most of his time as the Medical Director of The Institute of Bioidentical Medicine, where he trains medical practitioners to specialize in menopause and andropause medicine.

Dr. Holly Papanek is a Board-Certified Internal Medicine physician practicing in both hospitals and nursing rehabilitation settings for nearly 25 years. Also trained in the IOBIM method.

We cover:

  • Should women in menopause be treated with the lowest dosages for the shortest period of time?

  • Top questions we should ask our doctor when we approach one for treatment through menopause.

  • What can the majority of women expect when they get their first prescription of hormones?

  • The truth most doctors are not telling their patients about breast cancer risk and menopause hormone therapy.

Free book: Happy Healthy Hormones by Dr. Daved Rosensweet

Institute of Bioidentical Medicine :

The Menopause Method Course:

Dr. Stacey Sim’s Menopause 2.0 (Formerly: Menopause For Athletes) program:

Podcast recording with Dr. Stacy Sims: Menopause In Athletic Women Is Different

Follow Dr. Daved Rosensweet


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