Save Your Joints, Hormones & Injuries, Regenerative Medicine and Osteoarthritis – Dr. Elizabeth Yurth

Today learn how to save our joints with someone very special who has been circulating around the biohacking community for a while now visiting every major podcaster from Dave Asprey to Nathalie Niddam. And now she’s with us!

I’m talking about the one and only Dr. Elizabeth Yurth. Today she will explain the root cause of all diseases including osteoarthritis & what we need to know about regenerative medicine before considering surgery for our knees, hips and shoulders. Yes, there are many non-surgical non- or minimally-invasive treatments for arthritis, inflammaging and other degenerative diseases.


Dr. Yurth is trained in Sports & Spine Orthopedics, Functional & Regenerative Medicine, and even Cellular Medicine. So she really digs deep getting right into our cells, which may be THE most important part of regenerative medicine.

After a long career in orthopedics, Dr. Yurth decided it was time to move her practice forward to the next level and in 2006 co-founded The Boulder Longevity Institute. I’m dying to visit this place.

There they specialize in advanced, research-based longevity medicine that has treatments like Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (yes, please), Regenerative Orthopedic Procedures (yes, please), Regenerative Peptide Therapy (oh yes, please), and Next Generation Regenerative services. It sounds like a sci-fi movie.

So what makes Dr. Yurth someone we should be listening to? Well, she is double board-certified in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation AND Anti-Aging/Regenerative Medicine.

And although she doesn’t look like it, she has a long history as a specialist in Sports, Spine, and Regenerative Medicine that includes a Stanford-affiliated Fellowship in Sports and Spine Medicine, and a dual-Fellowship in Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine (FAARM) AND Anti-Aging, Regenerative and Functional Medicine (FAARFM) through the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M). If all you heard were the words regeneration and anti-aging. You got it.

So, you think she’s qualified? Yeah, I think so. It’s a big deal to get even one fellowship. She’s got 2, maybe more?

But, hang on. I’m not done yet.

Dr. Yurth has been selected as one of the 25 mastermind physician fellows in SSRP (Seeds Scientific Research and Performance). This means it allows her to stay abreast and teach others in this growing field of cellular medicine.

The cool thing for athletic older people, like me, is that she’s also an active athlete herself. So she totally gets us!

She also gets professional athletes, because she’s consulted with the San Francisco 49ers (for the non-Americans, this is American football) as well as the Stanford University women’s basketball and soccer. She’s a dancer herself and was even the doctor for the San Jose/Cleveland Ballet.

Dr. Yurth lives and breathes active human beings who want to keep moving in their 80s and 90s….heck even 100s…because she lives in the health mecca Boulder, Colorado. I’ve never been to Colorado, but I hear it’s one of the healthiest places to live. And get this. With all that she has accomplished…she has, hold on, five. Yes, five. Kids.  And she’s still married.


Website: Boulder Longevity

Instagram: @dryurth


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This podcast is edited by @JonathanJK

This blog post is edited by Alison Copywriting


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