Youth Preservation Tips for a younger, healthier and more vibrant life that may just extend your healthy lifespan.
I like to take a “wholistic” approach to youth preservation to bring more vitality, quality and longevity to the years I spend on this planet. I believe that we cannot just do one thing that will magically work on all areas of our life. I combine good quality sleep, meditation, proper nutrition, regular exercise, life purpose and many other approaches to create a more happy, healthier and meaningful life.
Here are some of my favorite tips that work for me. Bookmark this page to come back and find new ones regularly:
Tip #1 – Create stronger relationships with family, friends, coworkers and other fellow human beings for a longer lifespan
Tip #2 – Play sudoku for a stronger brain to try to avoid diseases like Alhzeimer’s or dementia
Tip #3 – Drink water with juice from one lemon to alkalize the body
Tip #4 – Learn how to breathe properly. Inhale…1,2,3…exhale…1,2,3
Tip #5 – Wear sunscreen with a minimum of 15 SPF during all seasons
Tip #6 – Eat kale. It’s good for you
Tip #7 – Start adding turmeric spice to as many dishes as possible. Or take a turmeric or curcuma supplement
Tip#8 – Stop eating sugar…but if you must, learn which ones have the lowest G.I. (glycemic index)
Tip #9 – Incorporate meditation into your daily life. Thank me later
Tip #10 – Move your body. Move it anyway that you can, I don’t care. Just move
Tip #11 – Motivate your partner or friends to get moving outdoors
Tip #12 – Stand up every 45 minutes.
Tip #13 – Do a one day body detox
Tip #14 – Learn how to cook tempeh
Tip #15 – Eat more eggs and less meat
Tip # 16 – Swap wheat pancakes for protein pancakes
Tip #17 – Combine garlic with salmon to reduce your risk of heart disease
Tip #18 – Swap canned soda for water with lemon, water with cucumbers, water with strawberries or any other combo
Tip #19 – Start exercising or moving outdoors with a friend
Tip #20 – Incorporate fermented food, like natto, kimchi and yogurt, into your daily diet