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The Biggest Menopause Myth, Truth on Bi-Est and The Mystery of Perimenopause

Kristin Johnson and Maria Claps

We covered 

  • Myths and truths of menopause. 

  • Menopause experiences and HRT use across the globe

  • How aging and menopause are intertwined

  • The different voices of menopause and what’s the best way to approach it

  • Is hormone deficiency a thing and is it good or bad?

  • Why menopause is such a mystery to so many women

  • The truth about Bi-Est as a menopause treatment

  • How to empower yourself through this journey

Maria Claps is an FDN practitioner (Functional Diagnostic Nutrition), and Kristin Johnson is an NTP (Nutritional Therapy Practitioner’s Training) Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition.

These two ladies are both friends and practitioners who are so passionate about women’s health, especially women’s health at midlife. And over the years they’ve refined the art and science of thriving as a midlife woman based on both their clinical and personal experience. 

So what they have discovered is that when they combine both individualized nutrition AND lifestyle changes tailored to a midlife woman’s needs that includes mindset coaching, lab testing and hormone replacement therapy education, it’s a magic recipe that helps women thrive so that they can stop, reverse or prevent their health from spinning out of control. 

Together they wrote their first baby book “The Great Menopause Myth”, which I was lucky enough to get an advanced copy of before the interview. And it’s great. It will be one of my bibles to refer to over and over again.

Book: The Great Menopause Myth:

Mastering Midlife Mayhem support group:

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