Cathleen Toomey speaks my gerontology language. She isn’t a gerontologist, but she knows a lot about the aging process and has worked with a lot of older adults. A lot more than me.
She understands how our experiences through our lifecourse impact our health and longevity. And today we talk about something you may never have thought could kill you early…loneliness.
We also talk about a lot of other things that impact the aging process that we don’t normally cover in the biohacking world, but are just as important, if not more.
Cathleen Toomey reached out to share her podcast Seniority Authority and when I browsed through the titles and watched her TedX talk “The Secret to Successful Aging”, I was convinced we needed to talk.
Cathleen is in charge of marketing and sales of the RiverWoods Group communities. This is an independent living community for active people where she has been working for the last fourteen years and where she has engaged with and observed older adults, their issues, concerns and passions. She’s learned a lot about aging through these folks.
Cathleen is a board Member of Womenade and is a volunteer at the St. Vincent de Paul Food PantryShe’s a graduate of Fordham University with a masters in communications.
Website: Seniority Authority
Linkedin: Cathleen Toomey
Facebook: @SeniorityAuthority
Instagram: @seniorityauthority
Podcast: Seniority Authority
Website: Hack My Age
Instagram: @hackmyage
Facebook: @hackmyage
Clubhouse: Zora Benhamou (Club: Biohacking Women 50+)
Apple Podcast : Hack My Age
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This podcast is edited by @JonathanJK
This blog post is edited by Alison Copywriting
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