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Female Fasting Truths & Myths, Menopause & Ketobotic Diets – Dr Mindy Pelz

Dr. Mindy Pelz is on the podcast again.  In our first podcast we spoke about her best selling book The Menopause Reset. Now we talk about her latest book which is coming out December 27th, 2022 called FAST LIKE A GIRL.


Dr. Mindy is not only a bestselling author and podcast host of The Resetter Podcast, but she’s also a great keynote speaker, a nutrition and functional medicine expert and has spent over 20 years of her life helping thousands of people reclaim their health..particularly us women.

Check out Dr Mindy’s YouTube channel! She has so much free information there where she explains the latest science and research on everything related to fasting, but she then gives us really practical tools we can all use.

When she first came on the show last year she had about 250,000 subscribers and now she is close to 400,000 with millions and millions of views.

Fast Like A Girl

Free Courses

This episode is sponsored by Oxford Healthspan, the makers of my favorite spermidine Primeadine. Use code ZORA for 15% off here.



Instagram: @dr.mindypelz

Facebook: @drmindypelz

YouTube: @drmindypelz



Website: Hack My Age

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Clubhouse: Zora Benhamou (Club: Biohacking Women 50+)

Apple Podcast : Hack My Age


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This podcast is edited by @JonathanJK

This blog post is edited by Alison Copywriting



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