Saturday, February 20, 2016
What a gorgeous view of Hong Kong we had this morning. It was a bit hazy and a little windy, but well worth waking up to and jumping out of bed for. I hiked up the Old Peak road and summited at Victoria Peak to show you the incredible view of this magnificent city we live in.
I showed you the south side of the island bursting with lush vegetation and less concrete jungle. We got a bird’s eye view of the islands below, which is a far cry from the city skyscrapers that we are all used to.
Passing the shopping malls that adorn the top of Victoria’s Peak, we headed to the Chinese pergola where we got the best views of Hong Kong just in time for the sun to come out! We got to take a couple of live screenshots for you to keep and dream of visiting Hong Kong. Turn that dream into a reality if you really want to. Set the motions and you can make it happen.
Thank you for joining me today and making this morning that much sweeter. Have a good day, good night or good morning wherever you are!
Victoria Peak has been rated the #1 tourist destination within Hong Kong. If all you got is one day in town, be sure to head up to the Peak for beautiful vistas day or night.
One thought on “Gorgeous view of Hong Kong”
What an awesome site! I found this on a local platform called and I’ve been glued to Zora the Explorer ever since. Keep up the great work!