Hack Emotional Distress & Effective Tips For Stress Management – Samantha Thomas, Life Coach

Backlog Episode 2020. Life Coach Samantha Thomas explains the risks of emotional distress on an aging body and how to hack it. She gives great tips on how to effectively manage stress on a day to day basis.


Samantha Thomas is the founder of Sparkd – a platform to help women heal emotional eating. She offers personalized programs on her website www.sparkdcommunity.com, is a public speaker, has her own podcast You Are Infinitely Loved and works as a personal life coach with clients from around the world.

This episode is sponsored by Oxford Healthspan, the formulators of my favorite spermidine supplement Primeadine. Use discount code ZORA for 15% off.


Sparkd Website: Sparkd

Personal Website: Samantha Thomas

Instagram: @_sparkd_/

Personal Instagram: @samanthalthomas

Facebook: @sparkdcommunity

Podcast: You Are Infinitely Loved


Website: Hack My Age

Instagram: @hackmyage

Facebook: @hackmyage

Clubhouse: Zora Benhamou (Club: Biohacking Women 50+)

Apple Podcast : Hack My Age

Email: zora@hackmyage.com

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This podcast is edited by @JonathanJK

This blog post is edited by Alison Copywriting


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