Hack Strength & Osteoporosis With Light Weights In 15 Min a Day – Dr. Chris Gaviglio

Today we meet Dr. Chris Gaviglio who shares with us the science behind blood flow restriction (BFR) and how it can help us get stronger and fitter with less weight in less time…even when we are injured. Plus, there are some cool anti-aging benefits too.


Dr. Gaviglio is the senior strength and condition coach for the Queensland Academy of Sport and works with Olympic-based sports and athletes.

Chris has been involved with elite sport for over 15 years working across multiple Olympic sports and professional football clubs in both the northern and southern hemisphere. He has a PhD in sport science and applied his sports science knowledge in projects in the UK in the field of Rugby.

He has several papers already published as a result of this work and other collaborative work with fellow sport scientists.

Chris is also an entrepreneur and has designed some cool training products that compliments his passion for strength and conditioning, but he also made them so that he had a superior product for his clients and athletes.

The one we will talk about today is the Sports Rehab Tourniquet for Blood Flow Restriction (BFR) training and how we can use this to our own advantage.


As with all type of exercise interventions, there are contraindications and considerations that need to be considered prior to commencing BFR training. Therefore, it is important to ensure that you understand these prior to commencing BFR training and if it’s right for you.


Instagram: @chrisgaviglio

Facebook: @sportsrehab

YouTube: @SportsRehabAUS

Twitter: @ChrisGaviglio

Website: Sports Rehab

Email: info@sportsrehab.com.au

Podcast: BFR Radio (also on Spotify, iTunes and Podbean)


Website: Hack My Age

Instagram: @hackmyage

Facebook: @hackmyage

Clubhouse: Zora Benhamou (Club: Biohacking Women 50+)

Apple Podcast : Hack My Age

Email: zora@hackmyage.com

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This podcast is edited by @JonathanJK

This blog post is edited by Alison Copywriting


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