Dr. Elizabeth Yurth is back again, and this time she is going to teach us the basics of mitochondria. A real 101 session to get us up to speed on what we truly need to know. She explains how our mitochondria play a central role in the reasons we get sick and tired.
Dr. Yurth is best known as a regenerative and anti-aging doctor who has helped hundreds of women just like us solve joint pain, menopause problems, inflammaging and just get back to our old balanced and energetic selves.
She is even trained in Cellular Medicine. In 2006 co-founded The Boulder Longevity Institute in Boulder, Colorado. Go to boulderlongevity.com and you can read all about her background as a double board-certified doctor in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation AND Anti-Aging/Regenerative Medicine and all the fellowships and academies she is a part of.
Dr. Yurth is extremely progressive and she continually educates herself on the latest medical techniques to help her patients.
Check out the Human Optimization Academy
BLI Academy course What to Fix First
This episode is sponsored by Oxford Healthspan. The makers of my favorite spermidine supplement Primeadine. Use code ZORA to try it with 15% off here.
Instagram: @dryurth
Instagram: @boulderlongevityinstitute
Facebook: @BoulderLongevityInstitute
Website: Boulder Longevity
Human Optimization Academy: BLI
Website: Hack My Age
Instagram: @hackmyage
Facebook: @hackmyage
Clubhouse: Zora Benhamou (Club: Biohacking Women 50+)
Apple Podcast : Hack My Age
Email: zora@hackmyage.com
Patreon: Hack My Age – Become part of the VIP age defying community!
Hack My Age Newsletter for all the upcoming podcast interviews where you can sit in on the live call in a Zoom webinar.
This podcast is edited by @JonathanJK
This blog post is edited by Alison Copywriting
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