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Nutrition Bootcamp January 13th


The holidays are now behind us and we had our fill of company parties, holiday dinners and overindulging during the Christmas season. Some of us are now struggling to get back on the health track. Do you have a plan? Will things be different this year than last?

Have you ever thought about how food may help fuel or deplete your performance and goals? Is it true that abs are made in the kitchen? Why don’t diets work? Which foods burn fat and which ones build muscle? How can I create a plan that is sustainable and gives long lasting results long after my New Year’s resolutions?

Health advocate Zora Benhamou from answers these questions, shares her personal story and reveals how the power of food can give us the body and health we have always dreamed of that is sustainable and enjoyable with real results that last a lifetime.

Make this year different than all the rest. Bring your questions and an open mind to learn something new that may just change your life.

RSVP is an absolute must!

WHEN: Friday January 13, 2017 – 12:30pm – 1:30pm

WHERE: 4B Man Hing Building, 79-83 Queens Road, Central, Hong Kong



One thought on “Nutrition Bootcamp January 13th

  1. Pingback:Morning Motivation – 3 Things I do to Spring out of Bed | Zora The Explorer

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