The Problem With Meditation, Hacking Panic Disorders & Reprograming The Autonomic Nervous System – Jim Poole

Today we learn what happens to our brains when we meditate, why there are some problems to meditation, how to hack PTSD and panic disorders as well as how we can still get many of the benefits of meditation without trying so hard…all in the context of a woman over 50.


Jim Poole – the President and CEO of Solace Lifesciences, a neuroscience company focused on personalized evidence-based wellness and performance.

He is a whizz at explaining how the brain reacts under stress and how to reprogram it into a calm state.

Conventional drug-based therapies for PTSD, stress and anxiety is not for everyone and there may be a price to pay. Too many doctors tell women who are going through the menopause transition experiencing stress and anxiety from their hormonal fluctuations are prescribed depression drugs or told to see a therapist.

We cover other alternatives to treating anxiety and stress without any negative side effects for our ladies out there as well as how the neuroacoustic software of NuCalm is helping women experiencing stress manage it without a hitch.

Try NuCalm and use code ZB10-OFF for 10% off


Website: NuCalm

Instagram: @nucalm_official

Facebook: @NuCalm



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This podcast is edited by @JonathanJK

This blog post is edited by Alison Copywriting


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