Train According To Your Cycle For Lean Muscles In 30 min – Ex-Gymnast Kaja Travnik

Today we are speaking with ex-Slovenian gymnast Kaja Travnik on how women can train according to their menstrual cycle.

And she will teach us how to get gymnast lean muscles in just 30 minutes.


Kaja is a passionate personal trainer focusing on women, a face yoga instructor, nutritionist and mindset coach.

She has been researching healthy nutrition and sports for 13 years. This journey into wellness started when her immune system broke down and she had to spend months in hospital care.

She then suffered major burnout and gastrointestinal issues. Fortunately through meditation, training and healthy eating she has been to cure herself.

Since then, she quit her career as a lawyer to pursue health and wellness to help people all over the world. She has lived in five countries including the US, Canada, Belgium, Italy, and England.

In her previous career she has worked as an assistant researcher at Harvard University.

This and her law experience has given her first-hand insight into job-related stress, burnout, and unhealthy lifestyles. Her mission is to teach people how to spot the negative effects of today’s lifestyle and how to improve it.


Instagram: @kajatravnik

Facebook: @Kajatravnik

Website: Kaja Travnik


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This podcast is edited by @JonathanJK

This blog post is edited by Alison Copywriting


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